High-Performance Coaching for iGaming Leaders

Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Sustainable Success

Discover the proven habits to manage stress, boost energy, and excel in your personal and professional life – all in just 20 minutes a day.
Trusted by 200+ Business Leaders from Top iGaming Companies like
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Transform Your Life and Leadership

Thrive under pressure with increased resilience and mental clarity
Reclaim your health and wellbeing to perform at your best
Achieve better life balance and be fully present at home
"As an iGaming director, I found myself at the top of my career but at the bottom of my health. Through habit coaching, I not only transformed my wellbeing but also unlocked new levels of performance and success. Now, I'm passionate about helping other iGaming leaders achieve the same powerful results."

– Leo Judkins, Founder of HabitRewire
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How it works

Your Path to Sustainable High Performance

Step 1: Goal Setting & Assessment

We'll clarify your goals and assess your current lifestyle & performance to identify the most impactful growth opportunities.

Step 2: Personalised Action Plan

We'll prioritise those opportunities and design a customised, step-by-step action plan to efficiently achieve your goals and create lasting change.

Step 3: Weekly Coaching Sessions

In our weekly coaching sessions, we'll celebrate wins, tackle challenges, and equip you with the tools for continued success and progress.

Step 4: Daily Support & Accountability

You'll implement small daily actions (20 minutes or less) to build sustainable habits, with my support and accountability just a message away.

Step 5: Monthly Progress Review & Optimisation

Each month, we'll review your progress, look at your results, and fine-tune your plan to maintain momentum and accelerate your growth.

Real Results from Real People

Maximise Your Results in Minimal Time

Your time is valuable. That's why our programme is designed to deliver significant improvements in just 20 minutes a day, through:
Weekly 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to your busy schedule
Daily support and accountability check-ins to keep you on track
Sustainable habits that help you achieve more in less time

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It

Here are what others have to say.

Your Journey to Unparalleled Performance Starts Here

Schedule a Free Consultation

Book a 30-minute call to discuss your unique challenges and goals. We'll explore how our coaching programme can help you achieve sustainable peak performance.

Receive Your Personalised Plan

Based on your consultation, we'll create a tailored coaching plan designed to meet your specific needs and aspirations.

Achieve Your Goals

Start on your journey to reduce stress, build resilience, and prioritise your wellbeing for lasting success. With our proven strategies, accountability, and support, you'll develop powerful habits and achieve the results you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does coaching cost?
Our coaching programme offers flexible pricing options to suit your needs, starting at £125/week. We'll discuss the best package for you during your free consultation.
What makes your coaching program different from others?
Our programme is specifically designed for iGaming leaders, combining industry expertise with proven habit-building strategies. We focus on sustainable results achieved through small daily actions that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.
How do I know if your coaching program is right for me?
If you're an iGaming leader who wants to reduce stress, improve wellbeing, and achieve sustainable high performance, our programme is for you. Book a free consultation to discover how we can help you reach your specific goals.
What results can I expect from your coaching program?
You can expect increased resilience, improved energy and focus, better work-life balance, and enhanced overall performance. Our clients report significant improvements in their personal and professional lives within the first few weeks of the programme.
I'm busy! How much time will it take every day/week?
Our programme is designed to fit into your busy schedule, requiring just 20 minutes a day for habit-building activities. Weekly coaching calls are typically 30 minutes and can be accommodated to your availability.
Have more questions? Email us at coaching@habitrewire.com

Partners & Certifications

Gibraltar Betting & Gaming Association

As proud partners of the GBGA, we are committed to set new standards for employee wellbeing and performance.

PN L1 Coach

As a certified nutritionist, sleep coach and stress-management specialist, I specialise in scientifically proven methods for sustainable behavioural change.

International Sport Science Association

With specialisation in personal training, exercise therapy, and corrective exercise, I help you move in a way that fits your lifestyle.

Your Path to Sustainable High Performance Awaits

Take control of your wellbeing and unlock your full potential. Your journey begins with a single click.